I know, all the characters are made up, they don't exist: Or do they? All of them exist in my mind, and these images helped me bring them to life.
There will be more soon.
An inspirational image representing the hero of the piece, the amazing Vihaan. I know, you want to take him home, have him as your BFF. Sorry, he's spoken for.
Ronnie. Niall's crazy grandmother.
Ronnie. Niall's crazy grandmother.
James. Cellist and life coach.
James. Cellist and life coach.
Elizabeth. Niall's scary mother.
Elizabeth. Niall's scary mother.
Milton. Niall's father he's... interesting.
Milton. Niall's father he's... interesting.
Amanda Cooke. Gallery owner.
Amanda Cooke. Gallery owner.
Milton. The award winning novelist.
Milton. The award winning novelist.
Helena. An actress who once played Madonna in a movie.
Helena. An actress who once played Madonna in a movie.
Michael. Former lover.
Michael. Former lover.
Jerome. Niall's eventual lover.
Jerome. Niall's eventual lover.
Doctor Marcus.
Doctor Marcus.
Mr Marshall Symmons. Surgeon
Mr Marshall Symmons. Surgeon
Claire Foodie.
Claire Foodie.
Physio Phil.
Physio Phil.
Dante. The sweetest boy on the planet.
Dante. The sweetest boy on the planet.
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